27 March, 2009

Finally done

... With a pair of socks that has been languishing on the needles for longer than I care to think about. They are the second pair in a gift for an elderly couple of our acquaintance. I finished Gramma Em's socks a while back... but Grampy Pete's socks have been a long time coming. Now just have to set aside the time to drive up to see them and deliver the prezzies.

My DH, always the stinker, wants to put one sock of each pair in his pockets and just give them each a wrapped single sock, and tell them that they will get the second sock eventually. Then give them the second sock just before we have to leave to head home. We shall see... Tho Grampy Pete would probably love the joke as he is quite the trickster himself. He must have been quite something as a younger man. Whooo! The stories he has told!

Grandbabies all back in Hawaii since the first of March. Their daddy, my youngest, is on his way back to Iraq. He left Hawaii earlier this week for his fourth tour, should be home in the Oct-Nov time frame. Eldest and his sweetie have just announced their engagement. Looks like a wedding next year for them. Woo hoo!

Knit Happy!

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